Manga Recommendation : KAGURABACHI | takeru hokazono

Manga Recommendation : KAGURABACHI | takeru hokazono

  • Where to read: Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump.
  • Serialized Sept 2023.
  • Currently ongoing.
  • Anime in the works.


This story of revenge follows 18 years old Chihiro Kagura as he hunts down his father’s killer. The setting is in a modern but magical Japan with new x old. He uses an enchanted blade named ‘Enten’ to fight, one of the few enchanted blades his father forged during the last war in Japan which brought the country victory.

The first chapter packs a lot. It introduces us to the relationship dynamic between Chihiro and his dad which establishes Chihiro’s emotional structure. They’re a cute duo – Chihiro is serious, his dad an airhead and goofball, but you feel the love between father and son. You want them to be ok, but you already know that it’s not going to be so.

We are also introduced to the concept behind the power of Enten which is symbolic I daresay. I never thought to use a goldfish as a base for a magical attack because goldfishes don’t really scream strong magical power, but I stand corrected. The Enten has three attacks which varies based on the color of the goldfish and our hero uses them accordingly in his battles.

His father also touches upon the duality of a sword: to protect and to kill. As sword makers they are partially responsible for the deaths caused by these tools and as such they should also have principles and accountability. I think this is something Chihiro will have to answer throughout the story, especially since he becomes a sword wielder and directly causes death with Enten. He’s definitely not afraid to kill as the chapter opens AND closes with him killing people.


I’m a sucker for sword wielding MCs and magical blades in general, but I like Chihiro. I’m looking forward to his character development which has already started happening in the 66 chapters that have been released at the time I’m writing this post. You can tell that he has a good heart, but I’m wondering what will he sacrifice in his quest for revenge? Allies? His principles? The world?

I don’t think the story will go dark and tragic a la BERSERK, but I’m sure there will be moments that will twist a knife in our hearts and make us cry… maybe? In any case, good pace, good supporting characters, great fighting scenes and art as well with good plot development. I hope that he won’t become OP as he develops is swordsmanship skills and I have faith that Enten’s 3 attacks will get him to be creative in how he fights, but we shall see. KAGURABACHI definitely has a fan base and I invite you to take check it out if you’re looking for something new.