Webtoon Recommendation : SKIN AND BONES | almighty conurbano
- Where to read it: webtoon
- Running since 2022
- Ongoing
Our heroine, Thursday, is in search of certain things that have been falling from the sky. Currently, she is seeking a sword that children are trying to sell to a knight. Turns out that the man is no knight and simply a crook who tries to cut the children down when they persistently ask for payment. Thursday steps in, mostly to obtain the sword, but also to defend the children. She attempts to avoid violence, but when he turns on her, she kills him. Despite saving the children, they resent her for taking the sword without paying them even after she apologizes for not having money to help them. She returns to a cave where a talking skeleton in a knight’s incomplete armor awaits her return. For some reason, Thursday is assisting it in retrieving all it’s body and armor parts so that it can move again, but why she’s helping it and what it wants we do not know…
The author is amazing. I know that being a comic creator is not their full-time job and this story is a side thing, but holy cow! From world building, plot, characters and dialogue, they are so efficient and clear in presenting all of that in the few panels of their weekly episodes. It’s a rich story with great characters, both main and supporting, with a simple premise that becomes so much more. I grew up reading lots of fantasy, but I don’t even know how this is going to end and I’m here for it! Every week I’m always pleased at how the story develops and always left wanting for more!
I love the relationship between our two mains: Bones and Thursday. It’s made of a fragile and yet sturdy trust of each other, and you’re probably thinking ‘what do you mean by that?’ I mean that even though they have a less than pleasant deal (more for Thursday than Bones) forcing them into an alliance, Bones and Thursday are able to function together very well as a team. They know what each are willing to do, capable of doing, how they’ll react to circumstances around them, and the price they may have to pay for doing things the other doesn’t like.
Both are also very interesting as individuals. Thursday is legit bad@ss. She has been dealt a crappy hand in life and if I could describe her with one word, it would be ‘survivor.’ She is 100% a survivor who will do what she needs to do to get to the next goal, even if it’s unpleasant. She is not naive, not stupid, tough and yet very human. She will not tolerate things that matter to her easily and will risk her life to fight against it. As a reader, I am very empathetic towards her. Bones on the other end is the type of anti-hero that entertains the crap out of you because of his personality and I will leave it at that. Together, they are a dynamic duo.
As mentioned, the world building is very, very well done! While the setting has a medieval feel, the author introduces us to new cultures with their own belief systems, and it’s always a treat to learn more about it on their patreon when they release extras. Not only that but the struggles and challenges that characters face are ones that readers can relate to, whether it’s oppression by another group, facing poverty, being bullied, sexualizing women, fighting against injustice – this story has it all and it’s told well. It does break your heart at times, but there are pockets of goodness that breaks through those clouds, reminding you that there are good things in this dark world, and that it’s still worth it to keep fighting in life, just as Thursday is despite her crappy circumstances. Yes – there is a thematic message here indeed. Ugh, I just LOVE this. On a side note, I also love the art style – minimal but just perfect in conveying the visual mood of this story. It’s so well done, so well done.
If you need a story that has meat, that is entertaining and will keep you engaged, I beg you, please go read SKIN AND BONES RIGHT NOW. 🙂